The UFS system architecture serves as the backbone of a unified modeling system, and must provide high performance, reliable technical and scientific functions for a range of different forecast products. System architecture is “the fundamental organization of a system, embodied in its components, their relationships to each other and the environment, and the principles that govern its design and evolution” (see See for example IEEE/ISO/IEC 42010-2011). The UFS system architecture is essential to both the unification of UFS and the R2O2R process. It is essential to unification because a clear system architecture ensures that the UFS applications share common components and infrastructure, and that the applications are implemented as configurations of a common code base. The UFS system architecture is relevant to research community partners because using shared community infrastructure makes it easier and faster to move code from research to operations and operations to research. Using community infrastructure and components also promotes higher quality, portable, flexible, fully featured software. Increased software ease of use and flexibility means that researchers can perform runs and experiments, and participate as full partners in model development. This team encompasses the UFS repository approach and the development and integration of software infrastructures that support workflows, interoperable model components and atmospheric physics, data assimilation, and pre- and post-processing.
The Infrastructure Working Group addresses several key structural components that enable the UFS Community to function at a practical and technical level. It has purview over three different project areas, with three sub-groups overseeing them respectively. These three areas are Repositories, a Data Portal, and Community Workflow. Repositories are functional archives where software management and version control are performed. A Data Portal is needed to provide access to various data sets associated with model input, output, and verification and validation of the model performance. The only currently active sub-group is Repositories. The Community Workflow has been transitioned to the System Architecture Working Group who has created a cross-Annex focus group encompassing individuals from the Repository sub-group to address this issue.