About the NOAA Modeling Team


The NOAA Modeling Team was created for the purpose of leveraging NOAA governance structures to:
  • Coordinate environmental modeling and numerical prediction, forecasts, and projections within NOAA, including research and development, utilization of observations, data assimilation, relevant data management, post-processing, scientific and societal applications, and high-performance computing that are essential to driving model improvements;
  • Provide strategic advice and guidance on priorities and requirements, understanding stakeholder needs, and defining the continuous process for modeling systems improvement;
  • Serve as a NOAA point of contact for collaboration and coordination with the broader modeling community


The scope of the NOAA Modeling Team is to engage on all matters of Earth system modeling across the NOAA portfolio. The NOAA Modeling Team coordinates, advises, and guides NOAA’s modeling systems and processes, including community engagement and agile model improvement to harmonize NOAA research, application, and operational modeling activities. The NOAA Modeling Team will operate with a collaborative cross-NOAA approach to achieve NOAA’s modeling system and research objectives in support of NOAA’s mission and Earth system prediction and in coordination with the broader community.


The NOAA Modeling Team will:

  • Steward an integrated structure and process for NOAA Earth system modeling coordination and collaboration.
  • Coordinate and leverage resources within NOAA to implement shared priorities, reduce redundancies, promote joint programs, and create efficiencies, especially to leverage and economize investments in research and development, utilization of observations, data assimilation, post-processing, emerging technologies, and high-performance computing.
  • Provide advice, guidance, and coordination for cross-Line Office modeling strategies and objectives.
  • Collaborate with community partners to facilitate community modeling and community-wide strategies and objectives.
  • Guide the integration of operational and applications requirements with research innovations in coordination with community partners.
  • Develop NOAA modeling strategies from the near- to long-terms that inform the comprehensive modeling systems annual operating plan and the map for integrated implementation for NOAA operations, applications, and research objectives across programs, laboratories, centers, and grant programs.
  • Articulate values and priorities for NOAA modeling that are informed by agency mission responsibilities, the NOAA Science Advisory Board, NOAA Science Council, community partners, and operational systems.
  • Nominate, for Earth Science Integration Board endorsement, NOAA representatives to the NOAA Modeling Team,, and any other related or successor organizations, to represent and provide perspectives on NOAA modeling within NOAA and to the rest of the modeling community.


Members of the NOAA Modeling Team are director-level leaders of NOAA programs, laboratories, or centers at the Senior Executive Service. Members shall be authorized to make policy and strategic decisions and speak on behalf of their Line Office’s leadership, particularly for resource priorities and investments. Members will continuously represent and inform the Assistant Administrator, strategic planning team, policy coordination teams, and Chief Financial Officer for their Line Office while also serving the NOAA-wide mission. With concurrence from the NOAA Modeling Team, each member may specify a designated alternate.


The NOAA Modeling Team will report semi-annually to the ESIB (Earth Science Integration Board) for advice, guidance, and coordination.


Decisions will be affirmed in sequential steps:

  • A majority consensus of the members electronically or in person followed by;
  • Written or electronic concurrence by each of the Line Offices. If consensus is not reached, the NOAA Modeling Team Chairs will raise the issue to the Earth Science Integration Board.

Note:  The information above is sourced from the NOAA Modeling Team Charter, available here